If you struggle to understand the Develop module in Lightroom and want to learn a simple approach to the digital darkroom, giving you more time to be out there with your camera, you’re going to appreciate the video series I just created: Lightroom Simplified.
Lightroom Simplified is a 3.5 hour video course in 13 episodes and covers my complete workflow in the Develop module of Lightroom. If you’ve traveled with me you know that what I love most is being out there, in the field, with my cameras, not fussing for hours over post-production. This approach is simple and efficient and covers my processes for both color and black & white images. It also includes a short bonus video that discusses organization and Lightroom Mobile.
Lightroom Simplified can be downloaded and put on any device you wish, so you are not bound to watching while connected to the internet. These videos will give you the confidence to use the tools of Adobe Lightroom efficiently so you can get back to doing what you love: making photographs.
Lightroom Simplified - Color and B&W Video Series
You can purchase both the Color and B&W together or you can buy either the Color or B&W separately. These videos are on significantly discounted during the COVID-19 worldwide pandemic and once your order is placed you will receive an email from me shortly (this is a manual process) with the download links. Please be respectful and do not distribute.
Take a look at the lessons in Adobe Lightroom Simplifed and what you can learn!