Things We Love: Outdoor Showers and Bath Tubs
This is my fourth installment in a series we call "Things We Love". This series is meant to shake the experience tree for your next safari and I hope you enjoy reading about these thoughts and ideas and maybe they will inspire you for your next trip to Africa.
Imagine for a moment that you are on safari and you are having the time of your life, spending time in nature, seeing abundant wildlife and having the most amazing experiences imaginable. And you have some time off during the day. And in your tent or room or suite or cottage or whatever we want to call your safari accommodation you have an outdoor shower or bath tub. Or both. Sound enticing? These amenities are more common than you may imagine, so take a peek at some of our favorites.
Bush Bath at Cottar’s 1920’s Camp, Masai Mara, Kenya
Email us at when you are ready to plan your next African safari and we can include some of our favorite camps that have these amenities. We give honest advice, we plan authentic experiences and deliver life changing adventures.